2025 Caregiver Training Pkg. - PRINTED
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This printed package fulfills 16 clock hours" of annual training for Caregivers in select states**. The material includes 16 Trainings which cover 16 topics taking the guesswork out of it for you!

The First Package includes Student and Instructor Materials:
● 16 clock hours of Training
● Test Modules
● 16 separate Certificates of Completion
● Answer Keys
It has everything you need to train 1 Caregiver in select states. For a description of each Training in this package click on the Trainings listed at the bottom of this page.
Additional Packages: After purchasing your First Package additional Student Training Packages can be purchased at a substantial discount. We suggest you order one for each of your caregivers.
--We do not enter Trainings from this package in your state Registry and ask that you check with your licensor to make sure this package is approved for use in your state--
Trainings Included in Package
Administering Medications (1 Hr)
Age Appropriate Curriculum (1 Hr)
Child Abuse (1 Hr)
Child Growth Development (1 Hr)
Cultural Diversity (1 Hr)
Early Childhood Brain Development (1 Hr)
10.10 The Mindfulness Connection: and its Impact on Early Childhood
Emergencies, Food, Allergic Reactions (1 Hr)
Emergency Preparedeness; Building and Physical Premises Safety (1 Hr)
Guidance & Discipline (1 Hr)
5.2 Dealing With Difficult Behavior: Helping Children Share & Other Advice
Handling, Storing, Hazardous Materials (1 Hr)
18.10 Safety First: Mitigating Hazards in an Education Environment
Immunizations (1 Hr)
18.7 Shielding Young Lives: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing and Managing Communicable Diseases
Nutrition (1 Hr)
Safety (1 Hr)
Shaken Baby Syndrome / SIDS (1 Hr)
1.11 SIDS & Shaken Baby Syndrome: Prevention and other Advice
Special Needs (1 Hr)
Teacher/Child Interaction (1 Hr)